先见之明;预见力;千里眼 If you say that someone has second sight, you mean that they seem to have the ability to know or see things that are going to happen in the future, or are happening in a different place.
` Unfortunately, the second and third placed runners were not within line of sight of the leader and lead bikes/ vehicle. This resulted in all those who followed taking an incorrect route through this section.` 很不幸,第二、第三位的选手没看到第一名选手和引导的自行车/车辆,造成后面跟着的其他所有参赛选手在这个区域都跑错了道。
In November, Second Sight had its own successful IPO, raising some$ 32 million. 去年11月,第二视觉公司也成功进行了IPO,融资约3200万美元。
For more traditionally minded Chinese, the face is a window to the soul and Shao is touting her second sight for the Deyu N ü Xueguan company-the "school for virtuous ladies," kind of. 对于观念较为传统的中国人来说,脸是心灵的窗户。邵童正向德育女学馆公司&“淑女们的学校”兜售她的先见之明。
Hilda's mother has second sight and correctly predicted the date on which Hilda met the man she eventually married. 希尔达的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见希达哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。
The evening of my second day of sight I should spend at a theatre or at the movies. 我能看见的第二天晚上我该在剧院或电影院度过。
I do not know what's going to happen, idon't have second sight. 我不知道将会发生什么事?我没有超能力。
How was I to know that the car would break down? I haven't go second sight, you know. 我怎么可以预先知道汽车会抛锚呢?我又没有先见之明。
Second sight, or the super-activity of the third eye may come whenever there is the opening of the lyden center and the kundaline forces from same to the pineal. 只要来登中心开启和从那里的生命之气升至松果腺,另类视力,或者叫第三眼的超感觉现象就会出现。
I once met a woman with second sight who told me I was about to lose my job, and I did the very next day. 我曾经碰到一个有预见力的女人,她告诉我我将要失去工作,第二天就真的应验了。
I think you can find out if there is a possibility of romance within the first second of meeting someone, so-called love at first sight. 我想你就能知道是否有可能和某个人相见一两次就恋爱,也就是所谓的一见钟情。
So on this, my second day of sight, I should try to probe into the soul of man through this art. 所以,在我获得光明的第二天,我将在艺术中探寻人类的灵魂。
Upon ascending to the second floor of the tower, we were greeted by a gruesome sight: a ragged collection of bones wearing the robes of one of the senior enchanters. 当我们来到塔的第二层,我们见到了可怕的一幕:一个身着一位资深附魔师的破烂外套的骷髅。
When the second question appears on the screen of the teaching machine your answer to the first question goes out of sight. 当第二个问题出现在教学机的屏幕上的时候,你对第一个问题的答案便从屏幕上消失了。
Some sort of gift of second sight or divination. 某种能预见或预测未来的天赋。
Design of detection system of display and controller for the second generation thermal imaging sight 二代热像观瞄镜显示器/控制器的检测系统设计
He believes that he has second sight. 他认为自己有先见之明。
The only true love is love at first sight; second sight dispels it. 真爱在于第一眼,第二眼就看不上眼了。
Second, any politician knew that the sight of thousands of ordinary people trying to obtain their money from a supposedly regulated institution was fatal to the government's reputation for competence. 其次,任何政界人士都知道,目睹大量普通老百姓试图从一家受到监管的金融机构提取存款,对政府能力的信誉构成致命打击。
Another phone rings. The second New Russian replies with no handset in sight. 另一部电话响了起来。第二位新派俄罗斯人开始接电话,但却看不到手机在哪儿。
The man must have second sight to know our arrival. 那人竟然知道我们的到来,他一定是有所预见。
By repeating and ( re) constructing the elements which make up our familiar world, they offer us a chance to see it at second sight. 用通过重复和(再)架构这些我们所熟悉世界中的元素,艺术家们提供了一个让我们去重新看待事物的机会。
Every second they're out of my sight. 只要他们离开我的视线一秒种。
From three-side talk in April 2003 to the second six-side talk in February 2004, we catch sight of the hope of solving North Korea nuclear crisis peacefully. 从2003年4月的三方会谈到2004年2月的第二次六方会谈,使人们看到了和平解决朝鲜核问题的希望。
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Profession has slowly turned its sight to the emotional factors of individual learners, particularly anxiety, not just focus on the Chinese Ontology. 对外汉语教学界也慢慢把目光转向研究学习者的个体情感因素,特别是焦虑,而不仅仅停留在汉语本体的研究上。
Second, about the norm positive analysis, any attachment request outside the legal rule all cannot be permitted to enter the sight of norm positive analysis, because they are difficulty to be confirmed. 第二,对于规范实证分析而言,任何附加在法律规则之外的要求都不能、也不应进入规范实证分析的视域,因为它们都是先验的,难以验证的。
The second part introduces that Baroque artists, urged by emotions, creates motional artistic language and pays more attention to the impact on sight and soul, which reflects the disturbance in 17th century. 第二部分论述了巴洛克艺术家在情感的推动下,创造出动势的艺术语言,更加关注视觉上的冲击和内心的震撼,去反映17世纪那个骚动不安的时代特征。
Second sight and resolution under the World Wind World Wind for the relationship between the resolution of the hierarchy. 其次根据WorldWind视距和分辨率的关系对WorldWind进行分辨等级划分。
Chapter interpretation from the perspective of Buddhist culture, Buddhist philosophy Bing essays on the inheritance, first, the subjective perception of Zen thinking; second is broad and deep sight of the "state"; third, the universal concept of life-based. 第三章从佛家文化的角度阐释冰心散文对佛家理念的继承,一是主观感悟的禅宗思想;二是深广无际的境界;三是生命本位的普世观。